Monday, August 06, 2007


who do you want to hear on the radio?

if it happens to be one of seven contestants still competing in the
public radio talent quest then speak up and vote for your favorite(s), now that the audio submissions for round three have been posted. kudos to all of them for sticking in there and subjecting themselves to intense scrutiny. including yours.

the quest still makes me think of capes. but not exactly the kind pictured here. the cape in my mind is more of the orange variety...


Joe Milutis said...

they are all too speak speak speaky speak. I'd like to see "public radio talent" conceived in terms of interesting producers rather than disembodied talking head hosts. So, in answer to your question, what do I want to hear on the radio: less hosts!

jatomic said...

yeh, the speaky-speak's kind of the point, since they're looking for someone who'd potentially host a show. given that, i DO think it's been a pretty fascinating happening...

maybe the public radio PRODUCER quest's on deck for next year?!